Jutta contemplates the universe


The Contents of Jutta's Brain

Donnerstag, März 31, 2005


Did you miss the whole part where there was a Kabarett?

The two non-OmColl members from our last show were reviewed in The Noise. But it's like the reviewer A) showed up late and missed Thylacine (who played first due to a last-minute change and were just great), and B) ducked outside during the non-musical pieces. How were they not aware of the rest of the show? Or that it was intended as a collaberative show, not Headliner/Opening Act?

Anyhow, I got a small mention as being "awesome and fabulously dressed."

The review is still good, and Sophia and HUMANWINE should be pleased. Full review here, toward the bottom.

posted by Jutta   # 2:24 PM